Captures funds for the specified order. Only applicable to pay-on-ship/deferred fund capture merchants. If sync query parameter is set to true, replies synchronously with callback payload, otherwise, replies asynchronously on callback URL. Default sync value is false for asynchronous behavior.

Important Notes

Example — "Success: True" Response

    “Amount”: 80, 
    “Currency”: “USD”,
    “MerchantId”: “44444444-4444-4444-4444-444444444444”,
  	“MerchantReference”: “1234-1”,
    “Operation”: “CaptureOrder”,
    “OrderId”: “c1a083ae-e603-460c-8a0e-70d6e854cf77”, 
    “Success”: True,
   	“Test”: False,
    “Timestamp”: “2022-02-25T15:00:43.8391167Z”

Example — "Success: False" Response

If the amount being captured on an order is greater than the amount available for capture on an order, a "success: False" message will be received.

    “Amount”: 30, 
    “Currency”: “USD”,
  	“MerchantId”: “44444444-4444-4444-4444-444444444444”,
    “MerchantReference”: “CCCC-1-31”,
   	“Operation”: “CaptureOrder”,
    “Message”: “Amount to be captured ($30.0) is greater than $20.05 available for capture."
    “OrderId”: “c1a083ae-e603-460c-8a0e-70d6e854cf77”, 
    “Success”: False,
    “Test”: False,
   	“Timestamp”: “2022-02-25T15:00:43.8391167Z”
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!