Test Accounts
Test Accounts
In the sandbox environment, we allow simulation of a number of scenarios with the following test cases.
Customer Account
In order to test out the smoothest user experience when paying with Zip, please create a test account by following the instructions below.
Purchases completed in the test environment are not processed by our production system and will only generate dummy invoices, transactions and fees.
Emails and SMS's are also not sent out in this environment.
Use the following details to register a new account:
Begin the Sandbox Zip Customer Application
A spurious email address | - | - | |
Mobile Number | 9 to 11 digit spurious number | - | - |
Confirmation Code | 999999 | - | - |
First Name | Any | - | - |
Middle Name | CREDITONEMILLION (optional) | AB000000 | Credit Failure |
Last Name | Any | - | - |
DOB | Any over 18 years of age | - | - |
DL Number | DLXXXXXX e.g. KC859729 | - | - |
DL Version | 123 | 003 | ID Failure |
Card Number | 4111111111111111 | 5000512334750851 | Card Failure |
Card Holder | Any | - | - |
CVC | Any | - | - |
Merchant Account
To check to see all Zip orders processed in your sandbox environment, our sandbox merchant portal is available for access.
Login to the Sandbox Zip Merchant Portal
Please contact our Integrations Team at [email protected] if your login credentials have not been provided
Updated 10 months ago