Test User Accounts
In-Store API
Give your shoppers the option to pay with Zip in-store with our point-of-sale QR Code API.
Before and during the implementation of your API calls and Payment Flows, you will require some test customer accounts on hand.
These details will allow you to:
- Generate a customer in-store 6-digit pin / barcode using the Zip mobile web login
- Force the various possible customer application results (approval / decline / cancel)
- Test the end to end flow of orders
Test Transactions
Purchases completed in the test environment are not processed by our production system and will only generate dummy invoices, transactions and fees.
Unique Email Address required
For the email address you will need to use a different email address for each account you want to create or test. You can use a temporary email provider like mailinator.com or sharklasers.com for this.
Test accounts
Use the following details to register a new account:
When a customer creates a Zip account, they will either be creating a:
- Zip Pay Customer Application - Accounts $1000 or less.
- Zip Money Customer Application - Accounts $1000 or more.
Using the above links you can trigger the test application flow for each, and using the below details you can force the various application results.
See a first hand demonstration of account creation here
Automatic Approval
- Last name: APPROVETEST
- Drivers license: 1111111111
Automatic Decline
- Last name: DECLINETEST
- Drivers license: 3333333333
Automatic Referral
- Last name: REFERTEST
- Drivers license: 2222222222
For a referral test, you will need one of our team to approve or decline the application for you to test this scenario. Please email integrations@zip.co to complete this.
For the online banking step
- Select "Bank of Statements"
- Username: 12345678
- Password: TestMyMoney
Mobile phone verification
- For the mobile phone enter:
- Number = 0400000000
- Sms code = 123456
Credit Card Details
- Card Number: 4726780000001232
- Expiry: 05/23
- CCV: 123
Updated over 2 years ago