Calculate Merchant Fee for Payment Plan
Calculate Merchant Fee for Payment Plan
Merchants with a merchant fee for payment plan (i.e. MFPP) agreement can use this endpoint to determine the fee amount for a given order. The state/country for the customer should come from the customer's shipping address. When $0 is returned, then there is no fee and does not need to display within the merchant's UX. Required fields are:
- amount - The total order amount including shipping/tax amounts added in.
- currency - Defaults to USD if not provided.
- customerState- The state of the customer's shipping address.
- customerCountry - The country of the customer's shipping address. Defaults to "US".
- merchantId - The Merchant ID that fees need to be calculated for.
Request URL:
POST Body:
"customerState": "NY",
"customerCountry": "US",
"currency": "USD",
"amount": 123.45,
"merchantId": "44444444-4444-4444-4444-444444444444"
Sample response:
"merchantFeeForPaymentPlan": 1.00,
"currency": "USD"
Updated about 2 years ago