Refund an Order

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Refund an Order

Will request a merchant refund to the supplied order and apply it to the customer's payment plan. If you are a pay-on-ship/DFC merchant, you can only apply up to your captured amount. Required fields are:

  • orderId - Zip order ID to refund
  • merchantId - Your identifier provided by Zip
  • currency - The currency to issue the refund in
  • amount - The amount of the refund (not the amount of the order!)
  • merchantReference - An identifier in your system to reference this refund transaction
  • callbackUrl - A URL that will receive the webhook request about the result of this operation


Request URL:
POST Body:

  "orderId": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
  "currency": "USD",
  "amount": 123.45,
  "merchantReference": "ref",
  "callbackUrl": ""