Create a Zip landing page

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Setup a Zip landing page

The landing page is a dedicated information page to educate customers about the Zip product, while also providing access for customers to pre-apply for their Zip accounts.

Adding the page only takes a few moments and only involves a few simple steps.


Australian Landing Page Example


New Zealand Landing Page Example

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#3 Tab content here

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Add a Zip landing page

  1. In the left-hand menu, navigate to Catalogue > Information
  2. Click to blue + icon on the top right of the page
  3. Click on the "General" tab
  4. In the Information Title field, enter "About Zip" or "Zip - own it now pay later"
  5. In the Description section, click on the </> button
  6. Copy the below Zip Landing Page code and Paste it in the code view section.


Toggle between tabs to find your regions HTML snippet
Note: data-zm-region="your_region_here"

data-zm-merchant= {Merchant Public Key} is only valid in Australia

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div zm-asset="landingpage" 
     data-zm-merchant="{put the AU merchant_public_key here}"
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div zm-asset="landingpage" 

  1. In the Meta Tag Title field, enter Zip - Own it now, pay later

  1. Select the Data tab.
  • Tick the Bottom checkbox
  • Enter Sort Order as 5

  1. Click the blue Save icon