Create Zip landing page

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Setup a Zip landing page

The landing page is a dedicated information page to educate customers about the Zip product, while also providing access for customers to pre-apply for their Zip accounts.

Adding the page only takes a few moments and only involves a few simple steps.


Australian Landing Page Example


New Zealand Landing Page Example

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Add a Zip landing page

  1. In the Prestashop admin dashboard Navigate to Online Design > Pages > Add New or Navigate to Preferences > CMS > Pages > Add New


This may differ depending on your Prestashop version.

  1. Enter the following:
CMS Category Home
Meta titleAbout Zip
Meta descriptionZip - Own it now, pay later
Meta keywordsOwn it Now, pay Later, Zip, pay later, Interest Free
Friendly URLzip

  1. Copy the below Zip Landing Page Code, then, in the Page content section, click on the source code (<>) button and Paste the code.


Toggle between tabs to find your regions HTML snippet
Note: data-zm-region="your_region_here"

data-zm-merchant= {Merchant Public Key} is only valid in Australia

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div zm-asset="landingpage" 
     data-zm-merchant="{put the AU merchant_public_key here}"
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div zm-asset="landingpage" 



For Australian Landing pages, paste your Public Key between the quotation marks " " and ensure there are no white spaces at both ends.