Shopify update FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions about the Zip Shopify integration
Frequently asked quetions about the Zip update for Shopify.
The Shopify integration is changing!
In July 2022, Shopify began making changes to how it accepts alternative payments.
Because of this we will need you to update your Zip integration.
Not to worry this won't take long. All you need to do is remove the current version of Zip by de-activating Zip in the payment settings and deleting the app.
Once the old version of Zip has been removed you can follow the steps found here to upgrade.
Why do I need to do this?
At Zip we are constantly looking at ways to make the experience for your shoppers as fast and frictionless as possible.
This new integration allows us to build a more stable application on Shopify's new payments platform so your customers can shop and check out in no time.
The good news is this is just the beginning - In the near future, we expect to announce great features that were not previously available to Shopify merchants that will help grow your business like never before.
What happens if I don't update?
Shopify will begin deprecating all existing payment integrations by the 31st of December.
If you have not installed the new Zip integration before then you will not be able to accept Zip transactions past this date.
What API keys should I use?
You will need your Zip Public Key and Private web-store key to complete the integration. These can be found in the integration details section of your Zip merchant dashboard
Why can’t I save my configuration?
If you receive an error “invalid public/private key” and you are unable to save after inputting your API keys, it’s likely you have not added valid API keys in the production or sandbox tab.
To complete the installation successfully you are required to input your live (production) Public & Private Keys, or test (sandbox) Public & Private Keys, or both.
I have installed correctly but Zip is not available
To successfully install and set up the Zip payment method, the steps found in our integration guide must be completed from the account owner Shopify profile. (Staff users and collaborators cannot complete this task)
How can I test if Zip is integrated correctly?
When you have completed the integration and are looking to test if it’s working, there are 2 ways to do this.
Run through a test order on your website, select Zip at checkout, if you are redirected to the Zip login screen you have completed the integration correctly. Note: Test mode must NOT be enabled for this test.
If you provided your sandbox keys during the installation step, you will be able to fully test the checkout by completing a full transaction with a sandbox customer account. Click here to find out how to create yourself a sandbox customer account. Note: Test mode MUST BE enabled for this test.
If you need support on any of the steps, please contact [email protected] We are here to help!
Updated over 2 years ago